37th International TOCPA Conference, 8 March 2018, UK

Following the success of the 2015 and 2016 conferences, Goldratt UK hosts the 37th International TOCPA Conference on the 8 March 2018.

The conference is held at Cranfield Uiversity.

Registration and information: frances.shaw@goldratt.co.uk

The TOC Buffers

Read the new post by Oded Cohen on tocexpert.com  

Some TOC practitioners have the perception that Buffers in TOC are there just to absorb variability. This is partially true but it is not the full picture, and this does not explain the difference between the meaning of the ‘TOC buffers’ and the conventional ‘buffers’.

The TOCICO dictionary states that: “buffer – Protection against uncertainty. The protection is aggregated and may take the form of time, stock (inventory), capacity, space or money.  Buffers are strategically located to protect the system from disruption.”

Actually, the above definition is true for any protection mechanism that was inserted into major conventional managerial systems as early as the 1950s and onward.

36th TOCPA International Conference and Master Classes in Guangzhou, China, 16-19 November 2017

Today is the third day of the 36th TOCPA Conference and Master Classes in Guangzhou.  Excellently organized and superbly delivered! You can see the photos on https://www.facebook.com/groups/1014476831927643/

The pdf, video and more photos – soon on https://tocpractice.org/conferences/2017/07/30/international-tocpa-conference-november-2017-china/  

The 35th International TOCPA Conference and Master Classes in Vilnius, Lithuania, 9-10 November 2017

In the third time TOC Sprendimai hosted the TOCPA conference. The two intensive days were filled with sharing knowledge and experience, discussions and insights.

The pdf, video and photos will be soon on https://tocpractice.org/conferences/2017/04/10/in35th-ternational-tocpa-conference-9-10-november-2017-vilnius-lithuania/


Opinion and Knowledge

A new post by Oded Cohen and Jelena Fedurko-Cohen. Read on tocexpert.com 

The 34th TOCPA Conference in Moscow, 27-28 October 2017

The two days of the conference covered the wide variety of managerial areas and presented interesting cases of applying TOC for developing new services.   



God bless CEOs for resisting what consultants would love them to do

A new post by Jelena Fedurko-Cohen in the blog Serious Talk about TOC. Read it on tocExpert

When we meet “Resistance” – is it really resistance and is it connected at all to Layers of Resistance?

A recent post by Jelena Fedurko-Cohen on http://tocexpert.com/when-we-meet-resistance-is-it-really-resistance-and-is-it-connected-at-all-to-layers-of-resistance/

36th International TOCPA Conference, 16-19 November 2017, Guangzhou, China

Following the success of the 2014 TOCPA conference, Goldratt Chinese Alliance is hosting the 36th International TOCPA Conference on 16-17 November 2017 and TOCPA Master Classes on 18-19 November 2017, in GuangZhou, China.

Presentations and master classes will be given by TOC experts and practitioners from China, Taiwan, Japan, India, France, Israel, Estonia, and Lithuania.

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There is no ‘stupid rule’

A recent post by Jelena Fedurko-Cohen

The role and objective of a rule – any rule – is to restrict. A RULE prescribes the RIGHT way – in order to restrict one from taking wrong ways.

Restricting comes only from the need to prevent a potential negative outcome of doing things ANY OTHER way than the way prescribed from the rule. Please note that in this case the negative outcome is KNOWN. An effort to prevent a known negative outcome cannot possible be stupid, and cannot be looked at as ‘stupid’. From the point of view of preventing a known negative outcome, a rule is smart and responsible.

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