Videos and pdf from the 17th International TOCPA Conference – in Lithuanian
17th TOCPA Conference (Lithuanian) | Augustinas Voldemaras | Using CCPM for construction projects (video in Lithuanian). |
17th TOCPA Conference (Lithuanian) | Jelena Fedurko | How to make implementation easy, quick and painless (video in Lithuanian) |
17th TOCPA Conference (Lithuanian) | Oded Cohen | TOC after Dr. Eli Goldratt (video in Lithuanian) |
17th TOCPA Conference (Lithuanian) | Mindaugas Voldemaras & Tomas Parnarauskas & Irma Pranaitytė | How to build a sales factory in small company. NOD Baltic case story (video in Lithuanian). |
17th TOCPA Conference (Lithuanian) | Oded Cohen | Practical Advice on Implementing SDBR in Production (video in Lithuanian) |
17th TOCPA Conference (Lithuanian) | Nerius Jasinavicius | 2 sDBR diegimo pavyzdziai MTO aplinkoje. |
17th TOCPA Conference (Lithuanian) | Augustinas Voldemars | CCPM taikymas statybos projektuose |
17th TOCPA Conference (Lithuanian) | Giedrius Balnys | Praktiniai atsargų valdymo pagal TOC patirtis: mitai, klaidos ir tikrovė |