Videos and pdf – 6th International TOCPA Conference

6th TOCPA Conference Dr. Rimvydas Jasinavicius Challenges of the thinking processes introduction. Promoting TOC for Education on national level in Lithuania.
6th TOCPA Conference Dr. Alex Klarman & Revtal Cohen Cutting the stay-time at the ER of a major medical centre
6th TOCPA Conference Boris Starinsky Managerial accounting the TOC way. Comparison of three formats: standard costing, direct costing and TOC.
6th TOCPA Conference Andy Watt Jacksons Fencing “Back to Basics”
6th TOCPA Conference Prasanna Kumar Jha Supply Chain & Logistics Evolution at Tata Steel
6th TOCPA Conference Jelena Fedurko How to combine replenishing to MTA buffers with working on weekly production plans
6th TOCPA Conference Oded Cohen What to take into consideration while implementing TOC in manufacturing companies that produce to sell through distribution channels but believe that they are MTO
6th TOCPA Conference Giedrius Balnys “Boring” issues in most inventory management implementations (video with translation)
6th TOCPA Conference Nerius Jasinavicius “Big Brand” is pushing inventory. What are distributors’ options?
6th TOCPA Conference Clarke Ching TOC and Software development
6th TOCPA Conference Andy Watt Johnston Sweepers – Sweeping Through Product Development
6th TOCPA Conference Prasanna Kumar Jha POOGI of CCPM Promotion – The Tata Steel Experience
6th TOCPA Conference Alex Klarman A case-study of a Critical Chain application