Q&A DAY 2 Eli Goldratt’s Legacy in the World 46-TOCPA 2021
/in Ipapers, Videos 46th TOCPA Conference Oded Cohen-Jelena Fedurko /by jelenafedurkoQ&A DAY 1 Eli Goldratt’s Legacy in the World 46-TOCPA 2021
/in Ipapers, Videos 46th TOCPA Conference Oded Cohen-Jelena Fedurko /by jelenafedurkoPhilip Marris Eli Goldratt’s Legacy in the World 46-TOCPA 2021
/in Ipapers, Videos 46th TOCPA Conference Philip Marris /by jelenafedurkoDr. Ted Hutchin Eli Goldratt’s Legacy in the World 46-TOCPA 2021
/in Ipapers, Videos 46th TOCPA Conference Dr. Ted Hutchin /by jelenafedurko
The PDF below also contains Ted Hutchin’s Postscript that he added after the conference.
PDF: Ted Hutchin_with postscript_46 TOCPA_Legacy of Eli Goldratt_19 March 2021