TOCPA Membership is by invitation only, on approval by the TOCPA Founding members. This is to ensure that all members have a good base knowledge of TOC and their interest is in making it happen – to implement TOC solutions or TOC methodology with the view of bringing wealth to their organizations. By that we can ensure that the members of TOCPA can get value by spending time together in an informal way – sharing experience and learning from each other.
To become a member of TOCPA a person has to fulfill one of the four conditions:
  • TOC PROGRAMS 60 hours
Participation in TOC classroom programs* with  the total duration of the received
       training in not less than 6 full days (60 hours), with the training program conducted
       by a TOCPA founding member or by organizations and trainers recognized by TOCPA
       founding members as providing required level of TOC education:
  • The training is received in 2 areas of TOC, one of which is logistical (production management, project management  or supply chain management)
  • The received education is confirmed by certificates of participation or directly by the company or trainer that provided education.
* Participation in conferences, webinars and one-day master classes is not accounted as a classroom program
A submission of a written case of implementing TOC accompanied with a written
       evaluation by a TOCPA founding member of TOCPA.
The written case should have the following structure:
  • Description of the current reality at the start of the implementation
  • The UDEs of the area that was under the responsibility of the applicant
  • Cause and effect analysis of the UDEs
  • UDE clouds and a consolidated core cloud
  • Logical sequence and interconnection of the Injections
  • The mechanics of the Injections
  • The results that were achieved  – along the timeline of the implementation
  • The challenges that the applicant has experienced in the implementation and the way they were handled.
Participation in TOC classroom programs* with  the total duration of the received training in not less than 4 full days (40 hours), with the training program conducted by a TOCPA founding member or by organizations and trainers recognized by TOCPA founding members as providing required level of TOC education:
  • The training is received in one area of TOC – not less than 4 days (40 hours), or in two areas of TOC – not less than 2 days (20 hours) for each area.
  • The received education is confirmed by certificates of participation or directly by the company or trainer that provided education.
* Participation in conferences, webinars and one-day master classes is not accounted as a
classroom program
               PLUS submitting a brief implementation case describing:
  • Description of the current reality at the start of the implementation
  • The sequence of mechanics of the injections
  • The results that were achieved
  • Certification by TOCICO – Practitioner Level or  Implementer level
             The applicant has successful passed the TOCICO certification exam of either Practitioner
                     level or Implementer level in at least one of the TOCICO certification areas of:
  • TOC Supply Chain Logistics
  • TOC Project Management
  • TOC Thinking processes
  • TOC Finance & Measurement
  • TOC Business Strategy
Please note that just passing TOCICO TOC Fundamental exam is not acceptable under
             this condition, neither is a certificate of recognition of Jonah program.