TOC for Education and Self Development

Webinar Dr. Shoshi Reiter Dr. Shoshi Reiter: To bring about Happiness at work – Utopia or Reality?
Webinar Debi Roberts Debi Roberts: Using TOC for suicide prevention. The Elliot Strickland Lecture.
23d TOCPA Conference Janice F Cerveny Stealth Uses of TOC Thinking and Tools in Companies and Academia
21st TOCPA Conference Tony Doughty Do I have a need for TOC outside my business life? (Video)
21st TOCPA Conference James M Bowles My Life with the Theory of Constraints – from the Class of ‘87
15th TOCPA Conference Jelena Fedurko Analyzing Current Reality – Two Approaches to the Current Reality Tree – in English
8th TOCPA Conference Debi Roberts The Magic Key: How do we support each and every student to find the Magic Key that unlocks their inherent ability to develop?
8th TOCPA Conference Jelena Fedurko TOC logical tools for creating and developing thinking and learning skills
10th TOCPA Conference Jelena Fedurko Using TOC tools in strategic decision -making process
8th TOCPA Conference Alexander Merenkov TOC experience in conflict solving (mediation)