TOC for Healthcare

23d TOCPA Conference Bill Taylor TOC in US Healthcare Strategy and Operations – Experiences with CCPM in Planned Discharge Date Scheduling
21st TOCPA Conference Tim Broadley Significant and sustained results in a healthcare setting (Tim Broadley)
9th TOCPA Conference Gijs Andrea TOC for Healthcare: Decrease Stress AND Increase Quality of Care BY Increasing Throughput
12th TOCPA Conference Evgeniy Epanchintsev Applying TOC Distribution System for medical supplies in a clinic
12th TOCPA Conference Gijs Andrea Increase Quality of Care AND Decrease Costs per Patient – Yes, You Can!
13th TOCPA Conference Dr Roy Stratton Applying TOC thinking to health and social care – theory and practice
6th TOCPA Conference Elimira Khafizova Synchronization of using resources in a surgical hospital – planning the TOC way
6th TOCPA Conference Evgeniy Epanchintsev Working with constraints at a clinic
6th TOCPA Conference Dr. Alex Klarman & Revtal Cohen Cutting the stay-time at the ER of a major medical centre
5th TOCPA Conference Naik Debashish Applying TOC in a Leading Eye Hospital