TOC for Strategy

13th TOCPA Conference Malcolm Ferguson Strategy & Tactics lessons from the field
7th TOCPA Conference Dr Alan Barnard Learning from experience
7th TOCPA Conference LOUNIEL BLOM From loss to profit in three months business turnaround using TOC
7th TOCPA Conference Deon van Zyl Taking the Theory out of TOC in the SA Bank Note Company
5th TOCPA Conference Dr. Keita Asaine Our experience of implementing TOC in Japanese companies
5th TOCPA Conference Prasanna Kumar Jha TOC Promotion – The Tata Steel Experience
5th TOCPA Conference Gilani Ravi Evaporating Cash Constraint: The TOC way
4th TOCPA Conference Jelena Fedurko Using S&T Tree pattern to communicate the need for new procedures in a TOC implementation
4th TOCPA Conference Nerius Jasinavicius Implementing TOC in small and micro companies
4th TOCPA Conference Dr Roy Stratton TOC: the process of on-going improvement? Some food for thought!